Daddy woke me up and suprised me. He told me we were going to DISNEY WORLD!! I was going to meet the real Mickey Mouse!! We got there in the morning and we rode some of the rides. We had lunch and then we stood in line to meet Mickey! As soon as I saw him, I started laughing and shaking. And when it was our turn to meet him, I almost couldnt stand it. I couldnt take my eyes off of Mickey & Minnie!! We stayed there until 5pm, and I was such a good boy. I didnt take a nap, but I wasn't crabby. Mommy said I was well behaved and very proud of me. I can't wait to go back!! Thank you Daddy for the greatest suprise ever!!!
The kids in the neighborhood started school today, so the park was ALL MINE!!! Well mine and about 6 other kids. It was so nice to go to the park and not be stepped on. Mommy says I've been acting strange lately because I won't walk on cement by myself. But the park ground is rubber, so I didn't mind it! Mommy chased me all around the park, we had a lot of fun! It started getting really hot, so we went home for some cold water and to put my swim clothes on.
So, when Mommy & Daddy were in Vegas, Daddy got lots of presents from work. He even got this flashlight that is just my size. He doesn't know it yet, but it's now mine. I'm having lots of fun shaking it, looking straight into the light, and pointing it on the ceiling!
My new favorite toy is Daddy's hats. I steal them any chance I get. I'll even take one off Daddy's head so i can wear it! I especially like to wear two at once!!!
Teddy Pentz: My Daddy is the best Daddy. He works very hard and provides for our family. He has a motorcycle, and lots of RC Toys. He loves me and Mommy & tries to spend as much time with us as he can. He is really good at throwing me up high in the air and he makes the BEST grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate milk.
Krista Pentz: She is the best Mommy. She stays at home to play with me and makes sure I'm taken care of. Her life revolves around me & Daddy. Mommy takes me on fun trips and teaches me something new everyday!
Little Teddy: Thats me! Im the only child of the Pentz home, and I spend my days with Mommy. Im very independent and smart. They tell me I'm pretty funny too. I love playing with toys and painting. I like doing things myself and learning new things!! Watch and see how quickly I grow up!!
This blog is for family and friends who don't get to see us as much as we'd like. We hope that this keeps them updated as hope that the photos come as a close second to seeing Little Teddy in person.