I was born today!! Mommy & Daddy welcomed me into the world after a LOOOOng 29 hour labor. I was stubborn even before I was born. Mommy's water broke at 6:30am yesterday, and it took lots of pitosin, pain medication and a painful C section to get me out. My Doctor said I was looking right at them when they took me out. I was born at 11:14am and I was 8lb 9oz and 21 1/4 inches long. I was born with red hair and big feet. I had a bath, and the nursery watched me for a while so Mommy could rest after her surgery. Daddy thought it would be a good time to go home for a few hours and set up the crib. (I was 2 weeks early and my parents werent prepared). When Mommy woke up, she watched me until Daddy came back. After a while, my Great Aunt Angie and Cousin Tristan came to see me!! They were very excited to have a new baby in the family. Daddy fed me for the first time, and I slept all afternoon and evening. I had to rest up my lungs so I could scream and keep everyone awake. But, my plans foiled and Mommy & Daddy put me in the nursery. I was disappointed but I will have plenty of nights to keep them awake.
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