Happy Halloween everyone!! I hope everyone had a great day. We were busy all day. First Daddy & Mommy wanted to go to Sears, and since its Halloween, they put me in my costume and took me to the mall. We went to Sears, and to the food court for lunch. Before we left, Mommy found out when some guy named Santa Claus was coming to the mall. I don't know who he is, but she says I have to take a picture with him next weekend. After we went home I took a looong nap. Daddy had to leave for Mississippi today, so Mommy packed his things, while Daddy relaxed for a little bit before his 14 hour drive. He will be gone for 2 weeks.
After he left, we had some dinner and went to toys r us. They were having a sale, & Mommy can't pass up a sale. I got to meet Geoffrey the Giraffe!! And I didn't cry!! Mommy was so proud of me.
When we came home, it was time to pass out candy!!! SInce I had drooled over my police uniform, Mommy changed me into my m&m onesie. Mommy, Grandma Linda & Uncle Trevor got Felix & Kitty in the Halloween spirit and dressed them up in their rooster costume. As you can see, they did not enjoy it one bit. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! 
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