Thursday, June 25, 2009

We Lost A Legend Today

Mommy told me the sad news this afternoon. Michael Jackson died this afterrnoon!! Mommy is in shock, she said that he was her idol as a kid. She loved watching his movies, and singing his songs, and dancing to his music. She asked me to write something special about him on my blog.

As most of you know, my name is Teddy Arthur Jackson Pentz. But what you may not know, is that the Jackson part comes from Michael Jackson. Mommy wanted my middle name to start with a J (just like Daddy's) and she woke up from a dream when she was pregnant with me, and had Michael Jackson on her mind. She called Daddy and asked him what he thought about Teddy Jackson Pentz. He said he liked it. The Arthur came later, after my Grampa.

One day when I'm older, I learn more about Michael Jackson, but for now I'll just watch old MJ videos with Mommy & Daddy.

Mommy, Grandma & Gramma will miss you forever!!!!

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