Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well, August came and went....seriously, it went by really fast! I thought I'd just throw all the August photos into one, since my internet time is so limited. I know you won't mind...
I washed my car... And took it for a ride.
I played with some stickers...
Are there any one me?
Went swimming...
Played some basketball...
& went out to lunch with Mommy a few times
I really like breadsticks.

We did so many more activities....I painted some pictures for Aunties Janel & Eva, we went to Disney World for dinner and to watch the firework show, watched a lot of tv and movies, Daddy got a new (old) car (more on that later) and all in all I had a good summer with Mommy and Daddy!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Las Vegas

Mommy & Daddy went to Las Vegas for 5 days. It was for a work conference buy Mommy got to come along. They had a lot of fun and Daddy even got to spend his birthday there! They saw Blue Man Group, Cirque Du Soleil's O, they went to a dualing piano bar, and an ice bar! The whole thing was made of ice! They had to wear heavy jackets and boots and hats because it was so cold in there! The seats were ice and so was the floor and the tables! Brrrr! They said it was fun though. They did a lot of walking and Mommy did a little bit of shopping. They came back very happy to see me and even brought me back some toys and some clothes!
This is made completely out of jelly beans!

This is all flowers. Its in the Venetian hotel.

Mommy & Aunt Jenny went to Hash House a Go Go. They make pancakes bigger than your head!!!
This is all Mommy could eat. She was stuffed.
This was right before O.
Pretty ceiling! Someone pops out of there!